Sorry! It has been soooooo long since my latest post. I was very busy with enjoying my vacation and now I am busy with school so there is almost no time left to post, but I will try to post more.
Every saturday I go to this school called ArtEZ, it's an Artschool at Arnhem, and I absolutely love it! It is a (vooropleiding) I have no idea how to write that in English, but I didn't got accepted yet at this school, but I reallyreallyreally want to. I love this school, and I hope I will study fashion next year at that school, that would be awesome! But these saturdays are to see if you are good enough for that school, and you can get accepted at the end of january. There is only one problem, we are with 180 students at these saturdays and there will only 40 students who will be accepted at this school. So I am gonna work reallyreally hard because this is what I want and I absolutely love it!
I have been there 2 saturdays now, here are some photos from the first saturday, the photos from the second I will post later because I don't have them on my computer yet. I'm the girl with the red/black clothes btw;)